Gallifrey had no rule's?

Gallifrey over the centuries developed rules of the society of Time Lord's and shaboogan's but in this universe no such rules existed. 
The Time Lords and The shaboogan's got into a few scrap's, and The Time Lord's were expanding to different parts of Gallifrey as The shaboogan's flead to The Western continent of Gallifrey named Constitution. Shaboogan's settling into their new nation started talking about plans for if The Time Lord's encroached on their territory. The Time Lord's having been all around Gallifrey offered The shaboogan's," We can be together everybody else on Gallifrey has become a Time Lord or Time Lady. We have unlimited regenerations." The shaboogan's said," We are ready to build a rocket ship and leave Gallifrey in search of a new home world." They did so and found a planet suitable called Alrefax.


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