The Eighth Doctor took Grace Holloway's Offer?

The eighth Doctor after his first adventure with Grace Holloway and Chang Lee December 31rst 1999 said," Grace Holloway, How does it feel to hold back death?" Grace Holloway replied," it's Amazing. Thank you Doctor." The Doctor said," No, thank you Doctor." The Doctor offered," Come with me Grace off to see the stars." Grace Holloway counter offered The Doctor," You come with me." In this universe he does take her up on her offer. 
The Doctor integrated the TARDIS into his and Grace Holloway's new house. A few weeks later The Doctor and Grace Holloway were dating and getting to know each other. A year later The Doctor and Grace Holloway got married. The Doctor abandoned his old title for the new name of John Holloway. John Holloway and his wife Grace Holloway two years later in 2005 have children on the way named Caleb and Susana Holloway. Caleb Holloway went on to take up his dad's old title of The Doctor and Susana Holloway went on to be a scientific advisor for the American branch of U.N.I.T. continuing the family business.


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